Dear students,
The Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings is looking for students who might be interested in a position as an intern in the framework of the optional course Internship: Intermediality / Stage Intermedialiteit (6 ECTS).
For the next academic year, we have two open vacancies. The internship will be spread over both the first and the second semester.
Interested candidates are asked to submit a short cv and a motivation letter bundled in one ZIP file, clearly labeled with your family name (jlic@vub.be).
- assistance in the editing process (updating the website, formatting articles according to the journal’s style sheet, updating style sheet and templates, attending the meetings of the editorial board and taking minutes)
- assistance during the annual CLIC-conference (practical help with the call for papers, the programme and the booklet containing the bibliographical information of the speakers, the organisation of the conference itself)
For these positions the knowledge of the Dutch language is not required.
Deadline for submitting your candidacy: October 30th 2021.
The interviews for this position will be held soon thereafter.
Should you have any further questions, please contact the editorial board (jlic@vub.be).
Kind regards,
The JLIC Team