CLIC Annual Report 2018
This annual report highlights member news and representational activities, as well as initiatives and achievements realized with CLIC support. We thank everyone for their contributions in 2018!
Member news
CLIC welcomed Helena Van Praet and Stefania Ricciardi as new CLIC-members in 2018.
Several CLIC-members successfully defended their PhD in 2018: Lesley Penné (9 May 2018), Edith Cassiers (15 June 2018), Jan Van Landeghem (27 June 2018), Elke Depreter (2 July 2018) and Lieselot De Taeye (6 July 2018). CLIC congratulates all of them and wishes them success in their future endeavors.
Carolien Van Nerom (Aspirant) and Hannah Van Hove (Postdoc) were awarded fellowships by the FWO and started with their respective research on 1 October 2018. Carolien writes a PhD on Narrativity of Philip Glass’s Minimalist Music in Operas Based on Literary Works, Hannah researches Unstable Subjectivities in British Post-War Experimental Women’s Writing in her postdoctoral project.
Helena Van Praet was awarded the Thesis Award for Literature by the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (BAAHE) for her master paper entitled “Coagulating an aesthetics of disjunction: A semiological Reading of Anne Carson’s Decreation” (Supervisors: Christophe Collard and Douglas Aktinson).
David Gullentops received the order of merit of ‘Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques’ bestowed by the French Republic on 26 June 2018.
The annually held CLIC symposium took place on 14 November 2018. This year’s edition focused on 'Campusliteratuur: literaire en intermediale constructies van de universitaire wereld'. It was organized by Inge Arteel, Janine Hauthal and Janna Aerts. The programme comprised lectures by Leen Dorsman, Geert Crauwels, Sabine Hillen, Anke Brouwers, Helga Mitterbauer and Ronald Geerts. An interview with and reading by the poet Ruth Lasters concluded the day. Afterwards, CLIC offered a drink to celebrate the successful launch of the e-journal JLIC.
CLIC participated in the yearly organised Dag van de Wetenschap, which took place on 25 November 2018. Sabine Hillen and Alyssa Verhees organized the literary walking tour in Brussels.
A new online VUB-sharepoint has been created for CLIC and can be consulted via: https://vub.sharepoint.com/teams/ORG-FacLW/TALK/VG-LIST/OG-CLIC/SitePages/Home.aspx
This online platform contains all important documents, reports as well as the new CLIC logo.
The second issue of the online peer-reviewed Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (JLIC) appeared in 2018. This thematic issue, devoted to 'Spaces of Entanglement: Negotiating European Crossroads', was edited by Christophe Collard, Janine Hauthal and Lesley Penné. It offers articles by Ina Haberman, Janine Hauthal, Annelies Augustyns, Arvi Sepp, Christophe Collard and Ronald Geerts on the topic of European Entanglements. For more information: http://www.jlic.be.
CLIC organized a coaching session (18 October 2018) for potential PhD candidates. Participants could discuss their topic with experienced CLIC members and received tips on writing their research proposals and applying for FWO funding. Two screening sessions for FWO predoc, postdoc and project applicants were also organized in 2018.
Since 2018 CLIC supports the Gent based Theatre Studies journal Documenta, https://documenta.ugent.be
Several CLIC-members joined the new VUB research group DIGI (Brussels Platform for Digital Humanities).
CLIC-supported Conferences and Seminars
CLIC supported the doctoral seminar “Autobiographical Writing and Spatiality” (9 March 2018) which was organized by Hans Vandevoorde and Janna Aerts and took place at the Universitaire Stichting in Brussels.
Dirk Vanden Berghe organized the research seminar “La cultura e la letteratura italiana dell’esilio nell’Ottocento: nuove indagini” (19-20 March 2018) on the occasion of the presence of Professor Silvia Tatti as holder of the Lorand chair, in cooperation with the ULB.
Inge Arteel and Eleonore De Felip (Universität Innsbruck) organized the international conference “Fragen zum Lyrischen in Friederike Mayröckers Poesie” (28-29 June 2018) which took place at the KVAB in Brussels.
Stefania Ricciardi organized the research day “Tradurre e ritradurre i classici” (Italian Cultural Institute, 7 November 2018) together with Paolo Grossi.
The international conference on “Charles Trenet: que reste-t-il de ses beaux jours”? (28-30 November 2018) was organized by David Gullentops and Catherine Thomas. The CLIC supported conference took place at the Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis (UVHC).
CLIC supported the international conference “Tuning in to the Neo-Avant-Garde” (Gent, 28-29 November 2018). The conference on audio drama was organized by Inge Arteel, Olivier Couder, Lars Bernaerts and Siebe Bluijs.
The symposium on “Ostbelgische Querverbindungen. Literarische Repräsentationen einer Grenzregion” took place on 7 December 2018 and was organized by Lesley Penné and Arvi Sepp.
Together with the Multilingual Master CLIC welcomed Professor Emerita of Comparative Studies Julia Watson (Ohio State University) on 10 December 2018 for a lecture on “What and Where are the Archives of Those Who Write Themselves?”. CLIC also supported Julia Watson’s keynote lecture at the conference “The Serial Self: The Influence of Autobiography on Contemporary Television and Internet Series” (BOZAR, 14 December 2018), which was co-organised by Ronald Geerts.
On 23 april 2018 the theater group “Los amigos de Talía” represented the play “Toc, toc (by Laurent Baffi)”. Organized by Diana Castilleja, An Vande Casteele, CVO and ABIA.
The graduate student platform WOLEC (“Werkgroep over Literatuur en Cultuur”) is currently organized by Carolien Van Nerom and Zhuyun Song. In 2018 the programme included lectures by Carolien Van Nerom, Andrea Penso and Anthony Manu. For more information: https://www.vub.ac.be/en/research/centre-for-literary-and-intermedial-crossings#wolec