The James Joyce in Translation Centre (JJTC) is organising its first conference, 'The Joyce of Translation', for JJTC members, invited colleagues, and friends. The gathering will take place at VUB and the University of Antwerp on Thursday, 12 December, and Friday, 13 December, respectively.
For more details and the conference programme, please visit this link. The programme includes ample opportunities to discuss the centre’s plans, a keynote by Joyce scholar and translator Onno Kosters from Utrecht University, two panels on “the Joyce of Translation”, or “the joys (and sorrows) of Joyce translation”, and a roundtable with translators.
Thanks to the support of the Irish Studies Programme of the Irish government, the Center for Literature in Translation (CLIV) at VUB and Ghent University, the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies at UAntwerp, and the research group CLIC at VUB, the conference will be free of charge.
The James Joyce in Translation Centre (JJTC), founded in 2023 by CLIC-member Guillermo Sanz Gallego (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Kris Peeters (University of Antwerp), is a research and dissemination platform dedicated to the translations of James Joyce's work. The centre's primary aim is to bring together Joyceans, whether translators, Joyce scholars, translation scholars, or a combination of the foregoing.