Inge Arteel
Inge Arteel is Full Professor of German Literature at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She studied German and English Philology at Ghent University and took courses in Austrian Literature at Vienna University. She has been working at the VUB since 1999, first as an FWO PhD candidate and then as a postdoctoral research fellow of the FWO. Her research topics include:
- contemporary Austrian literature (esp. Mayröcker, Jelinek, and other experimental women authors)
- Austrian and German theatre
- literary theory, gender theory, intersectionality
- intermediality and the radio play
She is the author of a biography of Friederike Mayröcker (Wehrhahn Verlag 2012), and has edited volumes and/or published articles on Friederike Mayröcker, Elfriede Jelinek, Verena Stefan, Josef Winkler, Ernst Jandl, Marieluise Fleisser, Judith Butler, and others. She supervises bachelor and master papers on any aspect of German literature, more specifically on women’s literature, literature of the Wiener Moderne, post 1945 Austrian literature, alterity, autofictionality, transmedial adaptations, etc. She is vice-chair of the Center for Literary and Intermedial Crossings and co-coordinates the VUB-UGent research group THALIA. She represents the VUB on the steering committee of the Vlaams Talenplatform.
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1050 Brussels