Co-organized with the CERCLL research group (Centre d’Études des Relations et Contacts Linguistiques et Littéraires, Université de Picardie Jules Verne), CLIC is pleased to invite you to the Diasporic Poetics and Performance conference, taking place from 12 to 13 December 2024 at Logis du Roy in Amiens.
For more info and the full programme, please visit this page.
Theme and scope
Intensifying migratory movements, and perhaps more importantly their heightened visibility in the political and media spheres call for a closer look at the rapidly expanding corpus of cultural objects created around exile and diasporas. How is the experience of displacement represented in contemporary literature and art? What narrative and discursive strategies and cultural practices are employed to materialise what comparativist Alexis Nouss has called the “exilic condition”? And how does this transnational corpus—which is at the intersection of artistic expression and activist intervention—develop innovative multimodal devices to engage audiences and readerships while moving the lines of public debate? To gain a better understanding of the aesthetic, ethical and political aspects of creation in a “minor” mode (Deleuze/Guattari) around the experience of exile, we propose to situate those hybrid objects in the long history of writing about displacement, with a particular focus on the relationship between narration and performance. The ability of many contemporary visual, plastic, sound and pantomime creations to “tell stories” is linked to the transnational dimension of diasporic poetics which, by crossing territorial and political borders, also tend to free themselves from the boundaries of language and the text. As a result, the symposium can also be seen as a contribution to the ongoing study of the relationship between literature and cultural memory, in the sense that it offers tools for understanding the construction of a memory of exile and diasporas that is both transnational and transmedial.
Organising committee: Solange Arber, Alice Lacoue-Labarthe, Mathias Meert et Arvi Sepp
Scientific committee: Sylvie Arlaud, Charles Forsdick, Paula Prescod et Kerry Jane Wallart
Contact: christine.meyer@u-picardie.fr & bastien.goursaud@u-picardie.fr