The international conference 'Recentring Form(s) in and of the Margins: the Politics of Self-Reflexivity' takes place from 24 to 26 April 2024 and is co-organized by CLIC-members Jade Thomas, Katrijn Van den Bossche, Prof. Janine Hauthal, Prof. Elisabeth Bekers and Prof. Pieter Vermeulen (KUL).
This interdisciplinary conference is interested in self-reflexive and metareferential form(s) in contemporary visual and textual art, which are becoming increasingly widespread. With its focus on meta-form(s) that create, occur and/in or stem from (proverbial) 'margins', this conference aims to spark discussion about innovative scholarly approaches to politically engaged self-reflexive artworks across media.
Aside from the 7 panels, the programme also features cultural events and a poster session.
Confirmed Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Suzanne Scafe (UBrighton): 'The Pastness of the Past: Voice and Ventriloquy in Historical Fiction by Black British Writers'
- Prof. Josh Toth (MacEwan University): '“As Concerns Selving,” or Explosions of Selftaste in Cinematic Memoir'
- Prof. Nicola Abram (UReading): '"We are Here": Reflexive Connections Across Texts and Time in Bernardine Evaristo's Girl, Woman, Other'
Artistic Keynote Performance by Dr. Layla Zami (FU Berlin) and Oxana Chi (Dance & Art): 'CORPUSCULAR CORES: The Politics, Poetics and Kinetics of Im/Possibility'
More information about the keynotes can be found on our website.
Click here to register!
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