Jiao Jiang
Jiao Jiang is a PhD student in Linguistics and Literary Studies at VUB. She holds a bachelor's degree in Chinese literature and a master's degree in Comparative Literature. Her research interests encompass spatial studies, translation studies, and comparative literature.
Her doctoral research project focuses on examining the interplay between literature and space within Thomas More's Utopia. The primary objectives of her research are to investigate how space is conceptualized and constructed in Utopia, how Utopia, as a product of the "Age of Discovery," traversed geographical boundaries and realized its spatial travel, and whether the utopian space underwent any transformations as Utopia was translated across various regions and over time.
Supervisor and co-supervisor: Prof. Sabine Hillen and Prof. Guillermo Sanz Gallego.
Pleinlaan 2
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1050 Brussel