Josephine Delali Ofei
Josephine Delali Ofei is a PhD student with the MERLIT research team, VUB. She has a passion and expertise in African literature. Her academic journey began with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, where she developed a keen interest in literary studies. She furthered her education with a MA in English from the same university, completing a thesis that delved into queer intimacies in African literature. Building on this, Josephine pursued another MA in Comparative Literature and Cross-Cultural Studies at the China University of Mining and Technology. Throughout her academic career, she has held various academic positions, including serving as a lecturer under supervision at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and a reviewer for both Ghanaian and international peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of the African Literature Association, the Lagos Literature Association, Writers’ Project, Ghana, and the Literature Association of Ghana. Josephine’s research contributions have been widely recognised, earning her accolades such as the Jiangsu Excellent Student Scholarship Award, 2023 (China). Currently, under the supervision of Prof. Eva Ulrike Pirker, Josephine’s PhD research focuses on the portrayal of heroes in 21st-century Afrofuturist mediascapes.

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