Katrijn Van den Bossche
Katrijn Van den Bossche started as a doctoral researcher in June 2022 as part of the FWO-funded research project “Self-Reflexivity and Generic Change in 21st-Century Black British Women’s Literature” (under the supervision of Janine Hauthal and Elisabeth Bekers). She obtained an MA in German and English Literature and Linguistics from the University of Ghent in 2021, with a thesis on the intersection of ecocriticism and memory studies in The Children of the Dead by the Austrian Nobel Prize winner Elfriede Jelinek. She was an Erasmus exchange scholar at University of Sheffield (2020) and participated in the University of Gent Summer School on climate change (2021). She is currently completing an MA in Education (2021-2022). Recently, she presented her research project at the annual conference of the African Literature Association and she will present again at the Common Threads conference at Brighton University.
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