Marjolein Goethals
Marjolein Goethals holds a BA in Linguistics and Literature: Dutch and English (2018), an MA in Comparative Modern Literature (2019), and an MA in Teaching: Dutch and English (2020). She obtained all three degrees at University of Ghent. During her Bachelor’s degree, she briefly studied at The University of Sheffield as an exchange student. As part of her Master’s degree, she interned at the ERC Starting Grant project “Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe, 1710-1920”, directed by Marianne Van Remoortel, who also supervised her thesis on Victorian ghost stories’ critical engagement with gender roles. She is currently a teacher at a secondary school, has a keen interest in Women’s Travelogues and is associated to the MERLIT research group.

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1050 Brussels