On 6 May 2024, the study Music and Narrative Potential was published in hardback with BRILL publishers.
This volume was edited by Carolien Van Nerom, Ann Peeters and Bart Bouckaert, and features the following chapters by CLIC-members:
- "Narrativity in Minimalist Operas by Philip Glass: Impact of the Source Text and of Postminimalist Composition Strategies", by Carolien Van Nerom, pp. 123–142
- "Queering the Musical Theater Tradition: Narrative Metareferentiality in Michael R. Jackson’s A Strange Loop", by Jade Thomas, pp. 161–179
"Music and its Narrative Potential is a book about musical stories. It is a collection of thoughts on how music evokes narratives through its medium-specific strategies. This book is a multi-faceted consideration of narratives expressed through music. There are several threads and themes that flow and recur through its different chapters, the most prevailing of which are contemporary music, interdisciplinary approaches, contemporary narratology, and intermediality." (description by BRILL publishers)
To access this publication, click here.