Pim Verhulst
Pim Verhulst is a Postdoctoral Researcher affiliated with the Centre for Literature and Intermedial Crossings at the VUB.
He holds BA and MA degrees in Literature & Linguistics (Dutch/English) from the University of Antwerp, where in 2014 he also completed his PhD on the bilingual genesis of Samuel Beckett’s radio plays. Since then, he has worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher on an ERC-funded project and as a Visiting Professor of English Literature, both at the University of Antwerp, and as a Postdoctoral Researcher on an AHRC/UKRI-funded project at the University of Oxford. He is also the recipient of a Marie Curie Sklodowska Postdoctoral Fellowship from the EU.
Pim Verhulst studies postwar fiction from the British Isles, with a focus on radio drama and intermedial exchanges between radio, film, television, poetry, prose and theatre, as well as other visual and acoustic art forms. His research combines various methodologies, including genetic criticism, bibliography, (audio)narratology, media, sound, adaptation, theatre and performance studies. He has published numerous articles and book chapters, mostly on Samuel Beckett, but also on James Joyce, Dylan Thomas, Harold Pinter, Caryl Churchill, Andrew Sachs, Leslie Daiken, James Hanley and Margaret Atwood. His most recent publications include Beckett’s Afterlives: Adaptation, Remediation, Appropriation (Manchester University Press, 2023; co-edited with Jonathan Bignell and Anna McMullan), Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama (Brill, 2023; co-edited with Jarmila Milford), and a special issue of the Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance on ‘Radio Drama’ (Intellect, 2024; co-edited with Andrea Smith). His two latest monographs, The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Radio Plays and The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Television Plays, are forthcoming in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project series (www.beckettarchive.org).
In addition to being an editorial board member of the BDMP, he is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Beckett Studies (Edinburgh University Press). For his work on Beckett, Pim Verhulst has received an Everett Helm Visiting Fellowship from Indiana University (Bloomington), a Dissertation Fellowship from the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre (University of Texas, Austin), and an MLA Prize for a Bibliography, Archive or Digital project.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel