Ruben Vanden Berghe
Dr. Ruben Vanden Berghe is currently a pedagogical employee in the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. At Ghent University, he defended his FWO-funded PhD research project Widening the Net: The Sublime Imagination of the Internet in the Flemish and Dutch Novel, which focused on the postdigital sublime and representations of the internet in Flemish and Dutch fiction. He published articles on the literary imagination of the early internet in the 1990s and information overload in Dutch fiction, as well as on Dutch-language experimental literature, contemporary poetry, and digital literature. In the past, he worked as an assisting researcher on a project concerning the literary radio play in the Low Countries. Before that, he studied Dutch and English Literature and Linguistics and Comparative Modern Literature at Ghent Unversity, and completed a interuniversity research master in Literary Sciences.
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