We are delighted to announce that the latest issue of the Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings has been published.
This issue of the Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings groups together seven articles selected through an open call, as well as an interview with the author Chika Unigwe. These contributions illustrate some of the wide-ranging concerns of the journal, presenting research which engages with literary and intermedial phenomena from various methodological angles and a wide range of disciplines including literary, digital, gaming, adaptation and cultural studies. They also include, for the first time in JLIC, a practice-as-research-based paper, attesting to the journal’s opening-up to this strand of research and evidencing its interest and commitment to a diverse range of scientific and creative methodologies. Showcasing the work of both emerging and established scholars and practitioners, this issue, though constituted of contributions which are diverse in subject matter, time periods and methodologies covered, collectively illustrates the journal’s emphasis on medial, literary, generic, spatial, cultural and material-ontological crossings that bridge a plurality of potential discourses, modalities, and methodologies.
This issue includes the following articles:
Janine Hauthal, Mathias Meert, Ann Peeters, Andrea Penso and Hannah Van Hove, "Introduction"
Karen Eckersley, "Crossing over: Encountering Materialist Entanglements in Elizabeth Bishop's Surrealist Poems 'The Monument' and 'The Weed'"
Sarah Lawson Welsh, "Jay Bernard's Surge: Archival Interventions in Black British Poetry"
Jade Thomas, "From Freakshow to Sitcom: Metatheatrical (Dis)Continuities in Contemporary African American Plays"
Irina Stanova, Ann Peeters, “The Visual Representation of Power Relationships in the Film Adaptations of William Somerset Maugham's The Painted Veil”
Tímea Mészáros, “Literary Spaces and the Aesthetics of Deprivation: Isolation and Textual Artefacts in Dear Esther (2012)”
Alexandra Saemmer, “'What's on Your Mind?' - A Literary Dialogue with the Machine-Computer”
Camille Intson, “Intimacy betweenspace/s: Towards a Transmedial Practice of Digital Intimacy”
Elisabeth Bekers and VUB Students, “On Chiselling, Pruning and Trimming: Chika Unigwe in Conversation about Better Never Than Late.” Transcribed by Emre Ok.