Join us as we look back on the international conference Recentring Form(s) in and of the Margins: The Politics of Self-Reflexivity, organized by CLIC-members Jade Thomas, Katrijn Van den Bossche, Prof. Janine Hauthal, Prof. Elisabeth Bekers, and Prof. Pieter Vermeulen (KUL), from 24 to 26 April 2024 in Brussels.
This interdisciplinary conference focused on self-reflexive and metareferential form(s) in contemporary visual and textual art, which are becoming increasingly widespread. With its focus on meta-form(s) that create, occur and/in or stem from (proverbial) 'margins', this conference aimed to spark discussion about innovative scholarly approaches to politically engaged self-reflexive artworks across media.
We were delighted to welcome the following four keynote speakers:
- Prof. Suzanne Scafe (UBrighton): 'The Pastness of the Past: Voice and Ventriloquy in Historical Fiction by Black British Writers'
- Prof. Josh Toth (MacEwan University): '“As Concerns Selving,” or Explosions of Selftaste in Cinematic Memoir'
- Prof. Nicola Abram (UReading): '"We are Here": Reflexive Connections Across Texts and Time in Bernardine Evaristo's Girl, Woman, Other'
Artistic Keynote Performance by Dr. Layla Zami (FU Berlin) and Oxana Chi (Dance & Art): 'CORPUSCULAR CORES: The Politics, Poetics and Kinetics of Im/Possibility'
Please click here for more information and to access the full programme. Scroll down to view photos from the event (or see this link for more pictures).