Thomas Mantzaris
Thomas Mantzaris is a literary scholar of 20th and 21st century American literature. He holds a Ph.D. in American Literature from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in which he examined multimodality and experimentation in the context of contemporary American, print-based fiction. He has delivered courses in various academic institutions, is a Fellow of the U.K. Higher Education Academy, and is currently an Affiliated Researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a Fulbright Fellow and a Member of the Multimodal Research and Reading Group (AUTh) and the Centre for Literary & Intermedial Crossings (VUB). He has received the HELAAS Young Scholar Excellence Award (2022), has published his work in the journals Book 2.0, Cartographic Perspectives, Ex-Centric Narratives, Iperstoria, and Materialities of Literature, and is currently preparing his first monograph. His research interests include multimodal and experimental narratives, contemporary American fiction, and photography. He is also serving as the Young Scholar Representative for the Hellenic Association for American Studies.
Pleinlaan 2
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1050 Brussel