Tola Ositelu
Tola Ositelu first studied law in the UK, where she qualified as a solicitor. She later completed a MA in Sociocultural Linguistics at London’s Goldsmiths University. Her thesis focused on how multiple identities unconsciously emerge through discourse, as artists narrate the relationship with their diverse crafts. Tola is currently a PhD fellow and project coordinator at VUB. Her research project, (Post-)Migrant Narratives of Mobility and Care: The ‘Windrush’ Generation and the NHS Experience in Society, Literature and Culture aims to visualise, analyse and make more visible for the first time, in a comprehensive way, the formation of narratives surrounding Afrodescendant migrant women’s experience in/of care, particularly in the British context of the National Health Service (NHS). The study is associated to the MERLIT research project. Tola is also a prolific freelance copywriter, blogger and editor. She has conducted research, as well as drafted reports and articles for various charitable and non-governmental organisations and contributed to diverse online publications.

Pleinlaan 2
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1050 Brussel