Two PhD theses have been successfully defended by CLIC members during the month of November:
The first was Dr. Thomas Thoelen, who defended his work entitled “DANCE FIRST. THINK AFTERWARDS. THINK AGAIN: ‘Techno-Logical’ (Dis)Order in Samuel Beckett’s Molloy and The Unnamable” (supervisor: Christophe Collard; co-supervisor: Douglas Atkinson), 21.11.2019
The second was Dr. Zheng Xing, who discussed the thesis “Unlocking the Secrets of Accelerating Times: On Paul Virilio’s Dromology Theory” (CSC scholarship, joint PhD Tongji University (China) and VUB; co-supervisor: Christophe Collard), 26.11.2019
To the two new Doctors go the heartfelt congratulations of the whole CLIC research group!