(English version below)
CLIC nodigt jullie graag uit voor de eerstvolgende WOLEC-sessie die plaatsvindt op dinsdag 5 november van 12:00 tot ten laatste 13:30 in 5C03. Spreker Prof. dr. Pablo Gasparini (Universidade de São Paolo) zal een lezing geven met als titel: “Listening to Heterolingualism in Latin America: Hearing Scenes of the Acoustically Dissonant”.
Pablo Gasparini is Associate Professor aan de Universidade de São Paulo (Brazilië). Hij is afgestudeerd aan de Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentinië), en heeft een master en een PhD in Spaans-Amerikaanse literatuur van de Universidade de São Paulo. Hij ontving beurzen van FAPESP en Cnpq (Brazilië), FMSH (Frankrijk), en FWO (België). Hij publiceerde de boeken 'El exilio procaz: Gombrowicz por la Argentina' (2006) en 'Puertos: Diccionarios. Literaturas y alteridad lingüística desde la pampa' (2021). Hij gaf verschillende postgraduaatsvakken aan de Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazilië), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentinië) en was gastprofessor in postgraduaatsvakken aan de Universidad Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven en Universiteit Gent (België). In de periode 2012-2015 was hij coördinator van het internationale “TRANSIT Project” aan de Universiteit van São Paulo (“TRANSIT. Transnationality at Large. The transnational dimension of Hispanic culture in the 20th and 21st centuries”, aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).
Gasparini's onderzoek richt zich op thema’s als ballingschap, immigratie en de symbolische effecten van linguïstische/literaire ontworteling. Zijn academische werk concentreert zich op de werken van Néstor Perlongher, Copi, Witold Gombrowicz, Vilém Flusser, Juan Rodolfo Wilcock, Antonio Porchia en Augusto Roa Bastos, onder anderen. Momenteel ontwikkelt hij een project over Latijns-Amerikaans heterolingualisme in de 19e eeuw, met auteurs zoals Condesa de Merlin, William Henry Hudson, Eduarda Mansilla en Soussandrade, onder anderen.
De voertaal is het Engels. Een broodjeslunch wordt voorzien. We vragen u om uw aanwezigheid ten laatste tegen 30 oktober via deze link te bevestigen. Voor meer informatie over WOLEC, klik hier.
Hopelijk tot dan!
CLIC is excited to invite you to the next WOLEC session, taking place on Tuesday 5 November from 12:00 till 13:30 in room 5C03. Prof. dr. Pablo Gasparini (Universidade de São Paolo) will give a lecture titled: “Listening to Heterolingualism in Latin America: Hearing Scenes of the Acoustically Dissonant”.
Pablo Gasparini is an Associate Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil). He graduated at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina), and holds a master's degree and a Phd in Spanish-American literature from the Universidade de São Paulo. He received grants from FAPESP and Cnpq (Brazil), FMSH (France), and FWO (Belgium). He published the books 'El exilio procaz: Gombrowicz por la Argentina' (2006), and 'Puertos: Diccionarios. Literaturas y alteridad lingüística desde la pampa' (2021). He taught several postgraduate courses at Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and participated as a visiting professor in postgraduate courses at the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Universiteit Gent (Belgium). In the period 2012-2015, he was coordinator of the international “TRANSIT Project” at the University of São Paulo (“TRANSIT. Transnationality at Large. The transnational dimension of Hispanic culture in the 20th and 21st centuries”, led by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Gasparini´s research focuses on the theme of exile, immigration and the symbolic effects of linguistic/literary displacement. His academic production focuses on the works of Néstor Perlongher, Copi, Witold Gombrowicz, Vilém Flusser, Juan Rodolfo Wilcock, Antonio Porchia, and Augusto Roa Bastos, among others. He is currently developing a project on Latin American heterolingualism in the 19th century, including authors such as Condesa de Merlin, William Henry Hudson, Eduarda Mansilla, and Soussandrade, among others.
The lecture will be held in English. A sandwich lunch will be provided. We ask you to confirm your presence via this link by 30 October. For more information about WOLEC, click here.
We hope to see you there!

Since Steiner’s primordial concept of extraterritoriality, coined in 1969, theoretical attention to writings that transgress the continuity between territory, language and literature is on the rise. It is a perspective of great ethical potential, since the non-continuity between language and identity (territorial, national, ethnic-racial, etc.) disperses the bases of any type of fundamentalism; something essential for the world we live in, tragically marked, in its political dimension, by ontologically closed discourses.
I would like to offer, in this brief lecture, some notes on how the hearing of other linguistic sonorities has taken place and has been represented in the space geopolitically designated today as Latin America. And also, how these representations that we can call “hearing scenes” can be investigated as possible evidence of the conditions of the production of literary writing and, more broadly, as evidence or symptom of the various ways in which the social and political field (in which that literate production is inscribed) deals with otherness and dissonance. For this purpose, we propose a diachronic journey highlighting some key moments in the relationship between listening and linguistic otherness, bringing, among other authors, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Rubén Darío, José María Arguedas, Gloria Anzaldua and Lina Meruane.