On friday April 16, from 12h to 13h, WOLEC is organizing a reading session under the heading ‘Denkkaders in de 21e-eeuwse literatuurwetenschap’ (“Theoretical Frameworks in 21st Century Literary Studies”). We will be reading the introduction and conclusion of Affectieve crisis, literair herstel (2021) (“Affective crisis, literary recovery”), a book written by Hans Demeyer and Sven Vitse which discusses “millennial writers” of the Low Countries. The reading session will focus on their use of affect theory to analyse contemporary novels.
Stefan Clappaert & Anthony Manu (VUB)
Denkkaders in de 21e-eeuwse literatuurwetenschap: leessessie Hans Demeyer & Sven Vitse - Affectieve crisis, literair herstel (2021)
Gratis inschrijving: stefan.clappaert@vub.be