Interested in becoming a Marie Curie Fellow at VUB?
CLIC offers scholars an interdisciplinary network to stimulate research along three key concepts: media, genres and spaces. Depending on your area of research, you can identify a number of research topics that have been submitted by CLIC research staff here (link to: www.vub.be/en/research/msca-if-research-area-arts-philosophy#centre-for…). The topics constitute suggestions for the development of a proposal; they should assist you in identifying mutual research interests, innovation potential and areas for potential skill acquisition that enhance your research competences. The topics can be used as a basis to discuss collaborating on a MSCA-IF proposal. You can also consult the websites of individual CLIC members (link to https://clic.research.vub.be/en/about-us/members).
For more information on the application procedure and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action – Individual Fellowhips please continue to read below and please also consult: www.vub.be/en/research/european-liaison-office#apply-msca-if.
Why apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action – Individual Fellowship?
Participating in the Horizon 2020 funding scheme via Marie Curie Actions is considered a beneficial step in your career development. You will receive training and you are able to highlight your individual research excellence. The European Commission understands mobility to be a priority in research as it adds value to European societies, for example by decreasing the knowledge and development gap between EU27 and other advanced regions.
Once you have selected a topic (with topic ID) and are interested in writing a MSCA-IF proposal with a CLIC researcher, you should have the following documents ready:
- Current CV
- Evidence of your current place of residence, as well as the place(s) of residence(s) for the past 5 years
- Topic ID listed in the header of the pdf file describing the topic, i.e. MSCA-2020-xyz
- 2-3 pages (A4) explaining your expression of interest and qualifications
Please note, you will only be eligible to submit a proposal if you will have obtained your PhD degree before September 9th, 2020.
All submissions should be sent to MSCA@VUB.be with the topic ID in the email header.
Alternatively, if you cannot identify a topic that was submitted by a CLIC researcher, you are free to send VUB’s European Liasion Office an open expression of interest following the steps above. However, in this case the email header should be specified as follows: open expression of interest - “name of your research discipline here”
If you are unsure whether you qualify for the MSCA-IF programme, please read the guidelines for applicants. Prior to putting you into contact with VUB research staff, we will conduct an eligibility check based on the guidelines for applicants and your qualifications.
This and further information can be found here (link to: www.vub.be/en/research/european-liaison-office#apply-msca-if).