Sarah Lawson Welsh
Sarah Lawson Welsh has a Phd in Caribbean Studies from the Centre for Caribbean Studies, Warwick University UK. She is currently Associate Professor & Reader in English and Postcolonial Literatures at York St John University, York, UK. She has published numerous papers on Black British and Caribbean writers, including Andrea Levy and Grace Nichols. She has also written on the teaching of Black British women's writing in a postcolonial context. See 'Bodies, Teaxts and Theories' in Alice Ferrebe and Fiona Tolan (eds.), Teaching Gender (Palgrave Macmillan: 2012). Her monograph, Grace Nichols, was published in the British Council 'Writers and their Work' series in 2007 and the co-edited collection, Rerouting the Postcolonial: New Directions for a New Millenniumwas published by Routledge in 2010.She also co-edited The Routledge Reader in Caribbean Literature, first published in 1996. She is Associate Editor of the international Journal of Postcolonial Writing (formerly World Literature Written in English), published by Taylor & Francis and Caribbean editor for the online resource, The Literary Encyclopaedia.
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