WEBPAGE IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE UPDATED IN DUE TIME Nicola Abram Lecturer in English Literature at University of Reading BBWW researcher Email address n.l.abram@reading.ac.uk Joan Anim-Addo Professor of Caribbean Literature and Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London BBWW researcher Email address J.Anim-Addo@gold.ac.uk Sarah Brophy Professor of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University BBWW researcher Email address brophys@mcmaster.ca Giovanna Buonanno Lecturer in English Literature and Drama at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia BBWW researcher Email address giovanna.buonanno@unimo.it Elizabeth-Jane Burnett Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Newman University, Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address e.burnett@staff.newman.ac.uk Helen Cousins Reader in Postcolonial Literature at Newman University, Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address H.Cousins@newman.ac.uk Pilar Cuder-Dominguez Professor of English at the University of Huelva BBWW researcher Email address picuder@dfing.uhu.es Dave Gunning Reader in English literature at the University of Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address d.r.gunning@bham.ac.uk Maria Helena Lima Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Geneseo BBWW researcher Email address lima@geneseo.edu Sarah Ilott Senior Lecturer in English and Film at Manchester Metropolitan University BBWW researcher Email address S.Ilott@tees.ac.uk Sarah Lawson Welsh Associate Professor & Reader in English and Postcolonial Literatures at York St John University BBWW researcher Email address S.LawsonWelsh@yorksj.ac.uk Jennifer Leetsch Lecturer in English Literature and British Cultural Studies BBWW researcher Email address jennifer.leetsch@uni-wuerzburg.de Deirdre Osborne Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London BBWW researcher Email address d.osborne@gold.ac.uk Irene Pérez-Fernández Lecturer in English Studies at the University of Oviedo BBWW researcher Email address perezirene@uniovi.es Eva Ulrike Pirker Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Vrije Universiteit Brussel BBWW researcher Email address eva.ulrike.pirker@vub.be Ulla Rahbek Associate Professor of Postcolonial Studies at Copenhagen University BBWW researcher Email address ulla@hum.ku.dk Suzanne Scafe Senior Lecturer in English Studies at London South Bank University BBWW researcher Email address scafes@lsbu.ac.uk Roy Sommer Professor of English at the University of Wuppertal BBWW researcher Email address rsommer@uni-wuppertal.de Şebnem Toplu Professor at the Department of English Literature at Ege University BBWW researcher Email address sebnemtoplu@hotmail.com Vedrana Velickovic Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Brighton BBWW researcher Email address V.Velickovic@brighton.ac.uk Tracey Walters Associate Professor of Literature at Stony Brook University BBWW researcher Email address Tracey.Walters@stonybrook.edu Chris Weedon Director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff University BBWW researcher Email address WeedonCM@cf.ac.uk
Nicola Abram Lecturer in English Literature at University of Reading BBWW researcher Email address n.l.abram@reading.ac.uk
Joan Anim-Addo Professor of Caribbean Literature and Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London BBWW researcher Email address J.Anim-Addo@gold.ac.uk
Sarah Brophy Professor of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University BBWW researcher Email address brophys@mcmaster.ca
Giovanna Buonanno Lecturer in English Literature and Drama at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia BBWW researcher Email address giovanna.buonanno@unimo.it
Elizabeth-Jane Burnett Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Newman University, Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address e.burnett@staff.newman.ac.uk
Helen Cousins Reader in Postcolonial Literature at Newman University, Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address H.Cousins@newman.ac.uk
Pilar Cuder-Dominguez Professor of English at the University of Huelva BBWW researcher Email address picuder@dfing.uhu.es
Dave Gunning Reader in English literature at the University of Birmingham BBWW researcher Email address d.r.gunning@bham.ac.uk
Maria Helena Lima Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Geneseo BBWW researcher Email address lima@geneseo.edu
Sarah Ilott Senior Lecturer in English and Film at Manchester Metropolitan University BBWW researcher Email address S.Ilott@tees.ac.uk
Sarah Lawson Welsh Associate Professor & Reader in English and Postcolonial Literatures at York St John University BBWW researcher Email address S.LawsonWelsh@yorksj.ac.uk
Jennifer Leetsch Lecturer in English Literature and British Cultural Studies BBWW researcher Email address jennifer.leetsch@uni-wuerzburg.de
Deirdre Osborne Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London BBWW researcher Email address d.osborne@gold.ac.uk
Irene Pérez-Fernández Lecturer in English Studies at the University of Oviedo BBWW researcher Email address perezirene@uniovi.es
Eva Ulrike Pirker Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Vrije Universiteit Brussel BBWW researcher Email address eva.ulrike.pirker@vub.be
Ulla Rahbek Associate Professor of Postcolonial Studies at Copenhagen University BBWW researcher Email address ulla@hum.ku.dk
Suzanne Scafe Senior Lecturer in English Studies at London South Bank University BBWW researcher Email address scafes@lsbu.ac.uk
Roy Sommer Professor of English at the University of Wuppertal BBWW researcher Email address rsommer@uni-wuppertal.de
Şebnem Toplu Professor at the Department of English Literature at Ege University BBWW researcher Email address sebnemtoplu@hotmail.com
Vedrana Velickovic Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Brighton BBWW researcher Email address V.Velickovic@brighton.ac.uk
Tracey Walters Associate Professor of Literature at Stony Brook University BBWW researcher Email address Tracey.Walters@stonybrook.edu
Chris Weedon Director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory at Cardiff University BBWW researcher Email address WeedonCM@cf.ac.uk