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14th CLIC Day: Multilingualism and Literature
Programme and registration now available! - Practical info-
CLIC day 2023: Brussels in the Literary and Artistic Landscape
Program now available!
CFP CLIC day 2023: Brussels in the Literary and Artistic Landscape
Confirmed Keynote: Patrick McGuinness (University of Oxford) Organisation: Daniel Acke, Elisabeth Bekers, Diana Castilleja, Michael Rosenfeld The annual study day of the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings of Vrije Universiteit Brussel will take place on the 24th of Nove...- Practical info-
12th ANNUAL CLIC DAY: Crossings: Concept, Discourse, Practice
9.30 – 9.45: Welcome by Janine Hauthal & Arvi Sepp (CLIC)
9.45 – 10.00: Introduction by Nassim Winnie Balestrini (U Graz), CLIC Lorand Chair Intermediality 2022-2023
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11th ANNUAL CLIC DAY 2021: 'Kunstkritiek door de ogen van een schrijver'
The 2021 CLIC study day entitled “Kunstkritiek door de ogen van een schrijver” took place on 26 november.
CLIC day 2020: Call for contributions
#CLIC2020 - Friday 11 December 2020 (Academic) keynote: Jason Mittell (Middlebury College) (Artistic) keynote: tba Call for papers Our call for contributions begins with an example of seriality: the cliché.- Practical info-
9th Annual CLIC Day: Robinson Crusoe Revisited: Literary and Intermedial Legacies of the ‘First Novel in English’
The next annual symposium of the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) will take place on Friday 29th November 2019 and will revolve around the literary and intermedial legacies of and responses to Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, to commemorate its publication exact
CfP CLIC DAY 2019: Robinson Crusoe Revisited: Literary and Intermedial Legacies of the ‘First Novel in English’
Robinson Crusoe Revisited:Literary and Intermedial Legacies of the ‘First Novel in English’ The next annual symposium of the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) will take place on Friday 29th November 2019 and will revolve around the literary and intermedial legacies of and r...- Practical info-
8th ANNUAL CLIC DAY: Campus Literature: Literary and Intermedial Constructions of the Academic World
The volume 'Campus Fictions: Literary and Intermedial Constructions of the University World' appeared in 2021