CLIC is proud to announce that a number of grants and awards has been obtained by affiliated researchers!
Anthony Manu has won a FWO PhD fellowship for fundamental research with his project “Towards a model for humour in nineteenth-century poetry - A conceptual study and an analysis of a growing subjectivity”, which will be conducted under the supervision of prof. Hans Vandevoorde.
Prof. Janine Hauthal successfully applied for a FWO junior research project. Her research is entitled “Self-Reflexivity and Generic Change in 21st-Century Black British Women’s Literature”.
Prof. Hans Vandevoorde, together with prof. Christophe Verbruggen (UGent), obtained a FWO senior research grant with their project “The Road to Alexandria: The Sensations of Landscapes in European Travel Writing, 1919-1939”.
The FWO also awarded funding to the large inter-university consortium for digital humanities CLARIAH-VL, which applied to the 'International Research Infrastructure' scheme. The VUB is part of the consortium and was led by Wouter Ryckbosch (HARP-HIST), while various LIST colleagues - including Andrea Penso and Rik Vosters - were involved.
Furthermore, some prestigious individual prizes have been awarded to CLIC members:
Prof. dr. Arvi Sepp has received the Theodor-Frings prize, awarded by the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig and the University of Leipzig. The prize honors his achievements in the field of “interdisziplinäre Germanistik” (interdisciplinary German studies).
Junior CLIC member Jade Thomas has won the 2020 BAAHE award. The Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education awards this annual prize to the best master thesis (alternatingly in the field of English literature and cultural studies and that of linguistics and translation studies). Jade received the award during the 2020 edition of the annual BAAHE conference, organized online by the University of Antwerp on 17 December, where she had the opportunity to present her research.
Prof. dr. Andrea Penso was awarded the Onderzoeksprijs by the Werkgroep Italië Studies, which every year awards a prize for the best scientific publication in the field of Italy Studies to a researcher working in the Dutch or Flemish academic world. Dr. Penso won the award for his monograph Un libero di Pindo abitator. Stile e linguaggio poetico del giovane Vincenzo Monti (Roma: Aracne, 2018).