One of MERLIT’s aims is to explore the role of literature in relation to social narratives – and to the world, or, in other words: literature’s ‘worldmaking’ aspects. Literature can arguably be a powerful vehicle in our attempts at understanding the world and our ‘dealings’ with it. The Ties That Bind Us series provides occasions to do so in interaction with thinkers, writers, artists and a general public on location in Brussels. With our involvement - as literary scholars - in the series, we hope to show that literature is not merely a passive ‘vessel’ but can be a shaping force, and that much can be learned from engaging with the literary.
Beyond the series, MERLIT’s researchers get involved in a number of outreach activities in collaboration with VUB’s public programme and cultural institutions in Brussels and beyond. They are also involved in the organisation of, and regularly present at, conferences and seminars at VUB and in other academic contexts. Please take a look at our upcoming and past events and engagements listed below:
Forthcoming Outreach
Past Outreach
- Practical info-
BAAHE Conference 2024
Copyright © Sandro Most Practical info-“That I should report on these things”: Reading and Discussion with German writer Esther Dischereit
Part of the series 'Ties that Bind Us'- Practical info-
MERLIT Researchers participate in EUTOPIA Autumn School - Multilingualism in Brussels: 12-15 November 2024
The Autumn School, designed within the EUTOPIA Network, aims to equip students with intercultural and international skills. It is a Research Seminar focused on Multilingualism in Brussels, as well as other multilingual and multicultural contexts.
- Practical info-
A Kind of Home: A Radio Play Listening Event Commemorating James Baldwin's Centenary
As part of the numerous activities this year commemorating the centenary of James